A And T Well Pumps Raleigh

Well Pump Troubleshooting Tips

If your well pump isn’t working, it’s likely impacting your water supply which isn’t good for your home. A well pump that needs repair can cause all types of issues from low water supply to murky water. Its time for some well pump troubleshooting.

When you need a well pump repair,  you want to know if it’s something you can fix yourself or something that you need to call the professionals for. If you need a professional, A&T Well and Pump offers a variety of well pump repairs to get your water service up and running again.

We’re going to take a look at what can cause a problem as well as some common well pump troubleshooting tips. We’ll also let you know when you shouldn’t even attempt to make the fix yourself and go straight to the professionals at A&T Well and Pump.

Let’s get started.

Well Pump Troubleshooting: Which Components To Check First?

If you’re having trouble with your well pump, it could be due to several reasons. These are  few areas you’ll want to check:

Pressure Tank

Without a pressure tank, the well pump system won’t work. For the water to get from your pump to the faucets throughout your home, the water has to be pressurized. The tank keeps water pressurized until it is needed. If the pressure tank isn’t working properly, you can’t expect your water pump to either.

Your pressure switch could be to blame. If too much water is drawn from the tank at once, it flips the switch and forces the system to shut down. This is to avoid a pipe from bursting. To get your water service back, you’ll need to rest the switch. If you need help resetting the switch, call the experts at A&T Well and Pump

Pump Size

The size of your pump is related to the size of your property and how much water you use. If it’s too small, it won’t be able to keep up with your needs and you’ll have issues. If your house or your needs increase, you’ll want to increase the size of your pump as well to avoid problems.

Power Failure

Power failure is one of the biggest causes of well pumps not working. If your well pump isn’t working, you’ll want to check that the circuit hasn’t been tripped. You never want to try to fix electrical issues on your own. Call A&T Well and Pump to inspect your pump to make sure there is not an electrical problem.

Well Pump Troubleshooting: Diagnosing the Issue

There are several common well pump repairs that homeowners often fall into. You may be able to deal with some issues yourself. Others will need to be looked into by a professional.

You Have No Water

image of a leaky faucet in a blog about well pump troubleshooting tips.

If you turn on your faucet and nothing comes out, you’ll want to first check the electrical panel. If both the well pump and pressure tank are off, flip it to the on position and see if that gets things going. If not, you’ll want to make a call to A&T Well and Pump to diagnose the problem. We can see what type of well pump repair you need to get your water flowing again.

You can also check your pressure tank. Check to see that it is showing pressure. If it is, there is likely a problem within your home and not with the well pump or the well itself. If you discover no pressure, you have a problem with the well pump, well, pressure tank, or switch that a professional needs to handle.

If you have a broken line, you’ll notice flooding in the section of your house where the pipes connect from the well to the house. Your well pump may be overworking. You’ll want to call a professional right away so that your pump doesn’t get out of control.

Low Water Pressure

You may have water but the pressure may be low. This could be a pump issue that needs repair. Since it can be due to several issues, it’s best to have it checked by a professional.

Your Power Usage Spiked

If you notice a huge increase in your electricity bill, you may be dealing with a pump that’s constantly cycling on and off. Go to your well or pump housing and listen to see if the pump is running continuously. If it is, call A&T Well and Pump so we can get a technician out to you and repair your well pump.

Dirty or Cloudy Water

When your water is cloudy or dirty, your well pump may be getting water from the bottom of the well where this is silt and sediment. Your pump may also not be filtering the silt before it is sending it to the pressure tank. If you don’t get this fixed promptly, the problem will only get worse and you may have to replace the entire pump instead of just repairing it.

Sputtering Faucets

well pump repair

If your water sputters when you turn on the faucet, there is air in the pipes. This could be due to a pump malfunction or a crack in your well or home plumbing. You’ll want to call a repair contractor right away.

Well Pump Troubleshooting: DIY or Talk to a Professional Well Expert?

As you can tell, many issues that fall on our well pump troubleshooting list don’t fall under the DIY category.

If you need well pump repair in Raleigh and surrounding areas, call A&T Well and Pump. We have experienced technicians who will diagnose your problem and make sure your well pump gets fixed promptly.

Our professionals will advise you whether you need a simple repair or a complete well pump replacement. You can count on us for honest and dependable service every time. Call us today at  (919) 291-4063 or reach out to us online so we can get to the bottom of your problem and restore your water service.

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